Tuesday, March 20, 2018

c a m p e c h e

Happy Spring equinox.

I got to visit Campeche (a UNESCO world heritage site) with my best amigo Mario via motorcycle. It takes about two hours on bike, and two and a half by ADO bus to get there from Merida.

Campeche is the capital in the state of Campeche. There are city walls and forts that used to help protect from pirate raids.

It's a charming city with cobblestone streets and colorful exteriors.  We saw a beautiful video mapping show in the Centro.

Vino on the Malecon
 This trip was more about spending time together at length and and talking about life. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to do this as my time of living in the Yucatan is coming to a close. I'm lucky to have made so many special friendships that I will cherish and maintain forever.

Life has a way of pushing you into new directions, and my new theory is that change is usually good, or hard. But if you can be present to experience it, whether you like it or not, maybe it will strengthen you. It can teach you, help you empathize in new ways, create new opportunities, or even give you new material to write about or make art with. Nothing is wasted.

My new pirate friend
Street blocked off for outdoor restaurants and music 

friendship bracelets

p.s. a little gratitude shout to Jerry and Carlos for the awesome sun protection shirts in memory of Conrad. xo

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

hash house harriers

Have you ever heard of a group called, "Hash House Harriers"? Me neither, until a friend mentioned it here in Merida awhile back. I finally attended this monthly group in January, and just went again for the second time in February. It's known as, "A drinking club with a running problem."

Apparently it is a worldwide thing and has a history - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_House_Harriers

It's a real club with formalities. We met at someone's house, whoever is hosting that month, and our club usually divides in two groups, the walkers or the runners.  We all head out and look for clues in chalk on the ground or on poles, which are arrows and circles and other marks to indicate the trail. The designated people that mark the trail are called 'hares'.
photo from Merida hash group - walking in Centro
The trail leads to a halfway destination where we stop for a beer. (Dues are collected prior so it's taken care of.) Then we follow the trail the rest of the way back to the host's house for more beverages and snacks. There are initiations for new members involving chugging your beer, and later we sing some silly songs. Members get these amusing hash nicknames after you've been there long enough.

 It's not a race and more of a social club. You'd be surprised how many of the older folks here participate especially on the crumbly streets in Centro.  It's unlike anything I've done before but is a fun experience! Who knew?

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

hearts and ash

Hello and Happy 💖Day and Ash Wednesday.

Merida heated up this week back up to 90.  Otherwise no complaints. Life is good.

Although I just lost my oldest living Aunt this week. She was a stylish woman with a quick wit. She resembled Liz Taylor back when, and considering she was pushing 97... she aged very well and had a good long ride. This photo was the last time I saw her three years ago when we stopped in Baltimore on our road-trip. It happened to be her 93rd birthday! I'm sure I wrote about this on our travel blog.
with Aunt Mildred at age 93!

 This week I tried a new yoga class that is held on the rooftop terrace of Cafe Montejo. It was a slower flow, and had a strong focus on breath which helps you stay present. At the end of class in shivasana, I relaxed a level deeper than usual and the instructor, Alma, said this form of yoga works with the parasympathic nervous system. That was awesome.

Yoga with Alma at Cafe Montejo
Staying active and positive while in this transition phase of life, and it seems to be working.😀

Grace, peace, and love.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Merida is having some exceptionally cooler weather lately. This is a good thing even though I have a very limited cooler-weather-wardrobe. So now we are beginning the process of selling our cute casa here which again, is bittersweet. This is the right thing for us to do, but is always a process for me to completely detach. We did this 3+ years ago with the beautiful Victorian house in Oakland. Time to get back to the minimalism ways.

And then there's at least a moment, almost every day, where I just miss my mom. 💔

And now I get to go through a divorce. 
Even though it all kinda sucks, I'm choosing to see it all as my friend Tess would say, "It (life) is happening for you, not to you."

"Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go." Hermann Hesse

Okay time to exercise which is the best thing to shift your mind and mood.
Motion changes Emotion.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

five minute motivation

Good morning, I just wanted to mention a new offering from fitness professional Mike Goncalves, who I mentioned in a post last January. He has started these cool five minute podcasts called, 'Mornings with Mike'.
A short little dose of motivation.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

hello 2018

Hello and Happy New Year.
So glad 2017 is over. I had a mellow NYE, how about you? I attended a Spanish prayer & praise service at my Calvary here, and then went over to see some of my first Merida friends. I got home before 12 when the explosions started!

I was texting with a couple of friends in California from here in 2018 waiting for them, while they were still in 2017. It was amusing.

It happens to be overcast, breezy, and cool here in Merida today. I got myself a fitbit for Christmas and it just beeped at me to get up and take it for a walk. I'm surprised it's easier to get in 10,000 steps a day than I thought. Well at least most days.

 I have some new exciting goals like beginning an intensive course to become a personal trainer and finally launch myself into the fitness industry! I believe this will be a better year heading in a new direction on my own, while remaining open to opportunities and adventures along the way. 

I hope you are doing something healthy and positive too.
Move your body, read inspiring things, and remember to take a deep breath once in a while. And like an old co-worker used to say, take your vitamins and say your prayers. 😉

Monday, December 25, 2017

the way will appear

my little art
Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and may you enjoy time spent with those you choose to be around. I have been spending a lot of time with friends, and thinking about what's ahead.

Aside from the loss of my mother, I've been thinking about what I wanted to say about how things don't always turn out like you think.

Three years ago we left California for our mid-life-travel-sabbatical, which is an experience I would never trade. Then living in Merida, Mexico, extended the sabbatical for two more years.

Throwing yourself into a full-time situation with your spouse is an adjustment. Then living together in an environment like 'retirement' when you are not at that stage of life is another adjustment.This has taken its toll, and our relationship did not survive. Maybe these circumstances accelerated the inevitable...who knows. Not all relationships are forever, and marriage is not for everyone. But I trust it's for the best, and things will ultimately work out well.

This chapter in Merida will be changing next year. I will not be staying once things finalize. However, I will return to visit because I have too many friends here who have become like family to me.
"As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears." ~Rumi 

The loose plan is to head back to CA for awhile and start an obvious new career direction. I am continuing to access the newfound strength to redesign myself once again. I don't expect it to be easy, but I'm not afraid either. You never know what opportunities will arise once you start a new path.

Even though I don't know how life will even look like going forward on my own, I believe if you stay true to what is most important to your being, and keep the faith, you will make good decisions. And hopefully enjoy your journey while living into the most authentic version of yourself. And that my friends, is what maturity feels like for me.

Best wishes to everyone on their individual path head. May 2018 be a magical year.


On a different note, the lovely Adriene has a new 30 day yoga challenge in January.

I just learned of a new book by Cheryl Richardson, which was inspired by the style/journals of May Sarton, whose famous work was, "Journal of a Solitude" which I read years ago. A genre I love.

*I share this freely - there are no earnings*